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About Molly

The Molly Burnsky Memorial Dance Scholarship, which has been created to honor and celebrate the life of our beautiful friend, Molly Burnsky, is partnering with D.A.N.C.E. Partners International, Inc. to help fulfill Molly's dream of supporting

young dancers.


Little did Molly's parents realize when they enrolled her in dance at the age of 6, that they were igniting her life-long passion.  After graduating from Towson University with a BA Degree in Dance and Performing Arts, she went on to perform all over the world from New York City to Australia and many countries in East Asia.


Molly moved to Lake Tahoe in 1985, where she continued her dance career.  She later went on to teach dance, pilates, yoga, and fitness instruction.  Her students often commented she was the best teacher they ever had because of her uplifting genuine connection to them and the perpetual joyful song in her heart.


Aside from her knowledge of the human body,

Molly was known for her kind and positive spirit.  Confident, outgoing, uninhibited, animated and an unbounded, cheerful energy are consistent traits

to describe Molly.

Please consider making a donation that will help provide need-based scholarships for talented dancers ages 12 and up. Your support is sincerely appreciated by all who loved this vivacious soul named Molly.

Who is eligible?



is a need-based scholarship for talented dancers 12 years and older.

For information on how to apply, email




To help keep Molly's dream of supporting young dancers alive, please consider making a donation.

The QR code and link will take you to the donation page.

For more information or to donate via check or

ACH, email

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